What did I learn in my absence?
*I was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong about everything. Ok, I was wrong about cable cast on. BUT, as the cast on is the foundation for every knitting project, I feel like I was living a lie! I used to brag, "oh, what's that? You use that weird little twisty cast on? Weeeelllll, kind sir, I use ze cable cast on. You may have heard of it? Yeah, Elizabeth Zimmerman owned that shiiiit."
Nope. I was wrong. I have been using the knitted cast on. This whole time. And cast ons really do make all the difference...sometimes.
*Noro sock yarn has been discontinued?? Well, that kind of sucks. I just purchased Knit Noro, which is an amazing book, and a lot of the must-have patterns use Silk Garden sock. I may have to stock up. Check out Jimmy Beans Wool, where it (and Kureyon sock) are on sale. Order quick because once it's gone, it's really gone.
*KnitScene is still my favorite knitting magazine. They just uploaded photos of their Fall Preview. Holy Wow. Some highlights? (all photos lifted from KnitScene's website)
Lepidoptera Cardigan Anne Kuo Lukito |
Morrison Cardigan Cassie Miller |
Cornsilk Pullover Amy Herzog |
Abbey Pullover (seamless!) Lien Ngo |
Live Oak Shawlette Rosemary (Romi) Hill |
Check out the rest of the preview here. |
I totally agree, there are some really gorgeous knits in the fall knitscene!! knitscene is fast becoming my favourite knitting mag.