Friday, April 1, 2011

Something Completely Different - (Almost) Wordless Inspiration

I want to keep this as wordless as possible. The day 5 topic of Knit and Crochet Blog week is to challenge yourself as a blogger and post something you would normally not post. I post a lot of my own photos and whatnot, but for this post I'll offer some "wordless" inspiration on things that I find most inspiring and beautiful.
(Also, I'm on a bit of a time crunch).

Credit given where I can.

Holga photos
Vintage styles
Book Collections
Lonely Places
Bare Backs

I don't have links for these last few images. I found them on flickr or livejournal, I know, but they've just been stored in a folder on my computer.


  1. What lovely pictures XD

  2. Oh, I LOVE photos. Thanks for a lovely post.

  3. I love all those photos- the eternal sunshine one is actually my ravatar

  4. Very cool photos! I love the one of the person walking on the train tracks.
